Batch calculate distances and drive times, single location
Click Next button. MapBusinessOnline will start calculating distances. Confirmation dialog will popup upon calculation completion. Click Done button to close it. Finally MapBusinessOnline will populate the distance information in the Data window. Learn how to calculate multiple straight or drive distances and drive times from a location to a ...

Batch calculate distances and drive times, single dataset
Click Market analysis icon on the main toolbar. In the Market analysis wizard choose the Batch calculate distance and times, single dataset option. On the second page of the wizard select desired measurements: straight distance, drive distance, drive time, or any combination of them. Choose the dataset with origin and destination locations.

Highlight and resolve sales territories overlap - MapBusinessOnline
Click "Filter" button in the dialog to apply the criteria. Now in Data window you can see where sales territories overlap. In Data window select rows (units) you want to remove from the overlapping territories. Select multiple rows by holding SHIFT or CONTROL keys when clicking a row. Click "Edit territory" icon on the Data window's toolbar.

Change territory color, transparency & outline
Table of Contents; Chapter 1 – Improved CRM Utilization Through Business Mapping; Chapter 2 - It's Not Business, It's Personal; Chapter 3 - Team Map Sharing

Customize map layer labels and callouts
Inside Map & Data window move mouse pointer over map layer that you wish to change and click gear icon that will appear. In ‘Manage map and data’ dialog select Labels tab. On the Labels tab you can edit custom label’s text size, style, color and alignment. Choose to show label in a box and box color. Same properties are supported for auto ...

Insert map image into Microsoft® PowerPoint - MapBusinessOnline
JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpg); PNG Portable Network Graphics (*.png). Click Next. MBO will render the map and inform you about the size of the image created. Click the Save button in the wizard to choose a file. Launch Microsoft PowerPoint and create new or open an existing presentation. Drag and drop the map image into your presentation.

Batch calculate distances and drive times, two datasets - MapBusinessOnline
In the Market analysis wizard choose the Batch calculate distances and times, two datasets option. On the second page of the wizard select desired measurements: straight distance, drive distance, drive time, or any combination of them. Choose datasets with origin and destination locations. You have the option to choose a dataset or a marketing ...

Map drawings tips & tricks - MapBusinessOnline
If Map & Data window is not visible then click Map & Data tab centered on the left side of the map. Click gear icon on Map & Data window toolbar. ‘Manage map and data’ dialog will pop up. Inside ‘Manage map and data’ dialog select ‘Map options’ page and click ‘Delete all drawings’. Click ‘Yes’ to confirm deleting all drawings.

Add Multiple Locations on a Map One by One | MapBusinessOnline
Select a dataset and click ‘Add location’ button. As an alternative to finding location you can use Add location tool to add location to a dataset. Just pick pushpin icon in drawing tools on MapBusinessOnline toolbar and click anywhere on map to add location. Whenever location is added to a dataset it gets selected on map and you can see ...

Color code dataset locations on map - MapBusinessOnline
You can create color coded maps to visualize different values in your data such as sales, products, etc. MapBusinessOnline supports four types of color coding for dataset locations: circles: each location from your data will be displayed as circle of specified color and size depending on selected data value, for example, sales.