Dallas, Texas ZIP Code Map


ZIP code map of Dallas, TX with the area ZIP codes highlighted in blue.

Interactive Map Link

Map of Dallas ZIP5 Code Boundaries Color-coded by Median HH Income

Dallas, TX demographic ZIP code map showing ZIP Codes shaded by Median Household Income.

Interactive Map Link

Demographic Data by ZIP Code

MapBusinessOnline provides two powerful mapping tools that work well together: ZIP code mapping and demographic data. Users easily create compelling ZIP code maps color-coded by included US Census Demographic data, such as recent population totals, median Household Income estimates, as well as ethnicity, education, and or consumer expenditure data. Learn more here.

Create Your Own Maps with ZIP Code Mapping Software

MapBusinessOnline ZIP code mapping tools offer easy and affordable access to powerful mapping operations:

  • Create ZIP-code-based sales, service, delivery, or franchise territories. Overlay customer and prospect locations. Control overlap.
  • Plot and visualize your customers, market, and demographics by ZIP code areas.
  • Create heat map visualizations of business activity by ZIP code.
  • Search imported map data by radius, polygon, or drive time area.
  • Export lists of ZIP codes along with Census data such as population and household income.
  • Look up ZIP codes by city, county, or state.
  • Plan logistics operations in targeted ZIP Codes, including optimized routing, origin-destination analysis, and drive time polygon creation.
  • Find business listings in specific industries by ZIP code, radius, or state.
  • Share interactive maps that display ZIP code areas.

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List of Dallas ZIP5 Codes

ZIP5 Code Place name States Population (2022) Median household income (2022)
75201 Dallas TX 16,626 102,243
75202 Dallas TX 4,930 97,995
75203 Dallas TX 16,509 45,481
75204 Dallas TX 30,637 90,137
75205 Dallas TX 25,478 176,981
75206 Dallas TX 37,694 86,910
75207 Dallas TX 7,933 88,361
75208 Dallas TX 30,738 75,836
75209 Dallas TX 14,913 113,941
75210 Dallas TX 11,158 29,980
75211 Dallas TX 72,632 54,376
75212 Dallas TX 26,599 47,180
75214 Dallas TX 32,689 122,835
75215 Dallas TX 15,986 40,673
75216 Dallas TX 52,858 33,680
75217 Dallas TX 82,451 51,613
75218 Dallas TX 23,242 94,310
75219 Dallas TX 23,611 90,715
75220 Dallas TX 43,928 58,764
75223 Dallas TX 13,227 68,280
75224 Dallas TX 38,126 49,721
75225 Dallas TX 22,257 172,817
75226 Dallas TX 5,081 64,749
75227 Dallas TX 58,501 52,259
75228 Dallas TX 71,441 55,145
75229 Dallas TX 33,689 117,132
75230 Dallas TX 26,393 104,558
75231 Dallas TX 38,434 51,604
75232 Dallas TX 32,265 52,396
75233 Dallas TX 15,141 60,545
75234 Dallas TX 31,208 85,978
75235 Dallas TX 18,423 58,065
75236 Dallas TX 17,413 51,677
75237 Dallas TX 21,718 37,241
75238 Dallas TX 31,372 74,006
75240 Dallas TX 23,717 54,138
75241 Dallas TX 32,964 45,932
75243 Dallas TX 64,748 49,085
75244 Dallas TX 12,660 110,487
75246 Dallas TX 2,221 57,615
75247 Dallas TX 2,486 75,048
75248 Dallas TX 36,535 97,327
75249 Dallas TX 18,364 74,323
75251 Dallas TX 2,920 85,142
75252 Dallas TX 27,506 84,157
75253 Dallas TX 21,976 49,330
75254 Dallas TX 26,352 69,370
75270 Dallas TX 30 112,500
75287 Dallas TX 52,613 60,253
75336 Dallas TX 5 75,000
75339 Dallas TX 0 0
75354 Dallas TX 1 0
75357 Dallas TX 6 100,000
75380 Dallas TX 7 87,500
75382 Dallas TX 1 200,000
75390 Dallas TX 27 0
75398 Dallas TX 420 48,333
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MapBusinessOnline Subscription – Options

The MapBusinessOnline’s suite of business mapping software provides location-based services for three levels of map use for business: 

Starter – Basic Business Mapping. Map visualization tools for businesspeople new to business mapping. Includes the ability to import, symbolize, and color-code location data, view demographic data, and create heat maps or ZIP code maps. Share maps with constituents. $250 with USA Map Data. 

Standard – All-in-one Business Mapping. All Starter features, plus: Large location dataset imports; territory management including hierarchical territories; optimized vehicle routing and logistics planning; driving time and distance analysis; access to Business Listings for lead generation, competitor research and market analysis. $500 with USA Map Data. 

Pro – Advanced Analysis. All Standard features, plus: Very large dataset imports; large volume territory creation; batch driving time and distances analysis; the ability to create multiple territories by radius or driving time in one pass; enrich imported datasets with demographic and geographic data. $900 with USA Map Data. 

Each subscription plan includes all the functionality of its less advanced predecessor. At any time, MapBusinessOnline users can log in to their account at MapBusinessOnline.com and choose Upgrade to switch to a more advanced pricing plan or to purchase additional credits while protecting their existing investment. All upgrade pricing is prorated. 

Subscription Plan Details 

MapBusinessOnline Starter 

MapBusinessOnline Starter is the suite’s offering for users who require only essential business mapping tools and seek a lower price point. The Starter plan provides the following capabilities: 

  • Create Business Maps – Visualize customers, competitors, and other location-enabled data on a map. Generate map visualizations like color-coded maps, heat maps, radius maps, and ZIP code maps. Load and plot up to 20,000 location points per map. 
  • Share Interactive Maps with teams. 
  • Advanced Map Viewer – View maps created in more advanced versions of MapBusinessOnline (Standard and Pro). 
  • Demographic Data – Access recent Census demographic data for any selected map area. 

Population centers by ZIP Code – Mid-Atlantic States – using MapBusinessOnline Starter

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MapBusinessOnline Standard 

MapBusinessOnline Standardexpands on the functionality of Starter, supporting business data imports of up to 50,000 location records per map and up to 50 sales, service, delivery or franchise territories per map. The Standard plan includes optimized vehicle routing support for up to 150 stops per route. Standard also enables the creation of driving time and distance polygons and queries. Standard is MapBusinessOnline’s middle-tier offering and provides these additional capabilities:  

  • Create Business Maps — Like Starter, Standard offers color-coded maps, heat maps, radius maps, and ZIP code maps. It additionally provides driving time and distances maps, hierarchical territory maps, and optimized vehicle route maps, as well as the ability to plot up to 50,000 location points per map.  
  • Territory Management Import or manually create sales, service, delivery, and franchise territories. Expand to regions and divisions with hierarchical territory management. Balance territories based on demographic or sales data. Expose territory overlap.  
  • Logistics Planning – Optimized vehicle routing with time windows support. Plan sales, service, and delivery routes with up to 150 stops per route. Dispatch jobs to field staff using drive time territories. 
  • Market Analysis – Conduct market analysis with demographic data. Build tabular data views of imported business data and business listings. Probe undeveloped markets based on demographically similar existing markets. Easily export to CSV and Excel.  
  • Business Listings – Generate sales leads by industry or area. Plan direct marketing campaigns. Visualize and research competitors. 
  • A Rich Selection of Included Data — Census Tracts, City, County, Congressional District, Highway, MSA, ZIP 5, and ZIP 3 map layers; US Census and Canada demographic data; access to Business Listings and School District data. 
  • Included Credit Allowances – 5,000 business listings credits; 1,200 routing credits; 1,200 public shared map view credits. 

A Hierarchical Territory Map created from an imported spreadsheet using MapBusinessOnline.

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MapBusinessOnline Pro 

MapBusinessOnline Proleverages the power of advanced driving time and distance analysis. More and more companies are using geographic analysis to understand markets, transportation networks, and the impact of traffic patterns on business. Pro enables imports of up to 250,000 location records per map and the creation of up to 1,500 territories per map. Pro Includes all the features in Standard. Turn to MapBusinessOnline Pro for mapping tools such as:  

  • Advanced Territory Creation – Additional complex territory creation options, including multiple radii and drive time-based territory creation in one pass. Generate up to 1,500 territories per map that can support large, nationwide business organizations. 
  • Search and Segment Data – Search a set of points based on specified radii, driving time, or distance areas, and segment the data results for visualization, analysis, and export. Identify all customers within a radius or driving distance of each location while segmenting results for easy review and analysis. 
  • Find the Nearest Stores or Pickup Locations – Find multiple nearest locations, from one dataset to each location in a second dataset. Determine nearest locations based on driving distance, time, or straight-line calculations. Convert analysis results into territories supporting your sales organization.  
  • Aggregate Customer Data and related sales activities within a specified radius of each store location. 
  • Batch Distance Calculation Tools – Conduct batch calculation analysis, ZIP-to-ZIP, and origin-to-destination analysis across one or two location datasets to analyze transportation and delivery systems. Analyze driving distances between all points in one or two datasets. 
  • Summarize Demographic Data – Summarize demographic data within a specified radius. Easily append business data with multiple demographic categories based on search results from multiple locations. Expose areas with over or under-saturation levels. 
  • Enrich Imported Datasets – Easily append imported business data with geographic and demographic data columns. Summarize up to three demographic data categories across imported data. 
  • Increased Credit Allowances – Business listings – 9,000 credits vs. Standard’s 5,000. Public map share 3,000 Credits vs. Standard 1,200. Routing – 3,000 credits, vs. Standard’s 1,200.  

USA Territory map with 75 min Drive time polygons querying hospitals around critical resource locations.

MapBusinessOnline – Dedicated to Customer Success 

If you still have questions about MapBusinessOnline’s product offerings, please contact our Customer Success Team. The Team can help you choose the right subscription plan. Use the Contact form or start a chat with us.  

Live web demonstrations showing how to use MapBusinessOnline are also easy to schedule if you contact us.  

Please share with us how you use business mapping software and what new features you’d like to see added. We listen. Our Team of mapping professionals has a combined 40 years of business mapping, GIS, and location-based analysis experience available for your questions and consultations. 

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MapBusinessOnline – the Drive Time Difference

MapBusinessOnline Standard and Pro versions support driving time and distance spatial queries. But Pro provides advanced analysis across all points in one or two large location datasets. This capability opens up a unique set of features for MapBusinessOnline Pro users.

Mapping software has come a long way since the advent of GPS and Google Maps. It’s hard to remember when we couldn’t find directions to a venue or explore a hiking trail online and on our phones.

Cloud-based business mapping software, extending the functionality of tools like MapPoint, Streets & Trips, Delorme’s Street Atlas, and ESRI GIS titles, have enabled small and large businesses to affordably generate compelling map visualizations, territory maps, and optimized vehicle routes that, in many cases, are significantly improving business operations and opportunities.

In 2010, MapBusinessOnline leveraged the abovementioned capabilities, offering an affordable solution for easy-to-use business mapping via the Cloud to almost any business seeking value from location-based services.

A few years later, we took it a few steps further.

MapBusinessOnline published a state-of-the-art territory creation and management system to pick-up where Microsoft MapPoint left off. MapBusinessOnline territory management supports sales organizations, service industries, and franchise businesses. Territory functionality remains at the core of our business offering. Today’s MapBusinessOnline territory tools include:

  • An easy-to-use import or point-and-click territory creation process.
  • Hierarchical territory creation by spreadsheet import for easy and fast creation of territories, regions, and divisions in one easy import.
  • Territory datasheet views for territory balancing, market analysis, and analysis of associated business data. Great for balancing with territory assignments.
  • A comprehensive US Census (and Canada) demographic library for territory balancing and market analysis.
  • Overlap identification for non-overlapping franchisee and sales representative assignments.
  • Easy-to-use territory editing tools because territories shift constantly.
  • No cost, view-only, territory sharing for field service access to territory assignments and sales strategies.
  • Color-coding capabilities for geographies and imported location symbols, supporting advanced map visualizations and the development of compelling presentations.

Franchisee territory map based on ZIP codes and population sums of 1 million.

All of this functionality comes at an affordable price and is every bit as easy and intuitive as MapPoint was. MapBusinessOnline technical support is second to none. Most MapBusinessOnline clients conduct some level of territory mapping in their work, from basic regional ZIP code territory map creation to the import of nationwide hierarchical territory systems.

Driving Time and Distance Capabilities

While MapBusinessOnline Standard has included driving time and distance spatial search support for quite a few years, one of MapBusinessOnline’s most recent and powerful innovations has been adding driving time and distance analysis for advanced users. These multi-dataset comparison tools are included in MapBusinessOnline Pro.

MapBusinessOnline Pro is an advanced tool. The core functions involve geographic queries across large datasets that can take a little longer to process—for instance, running a transportation network analysis to estimate driving distances and times between all points in two hefty location datasets. This functionality can be called a ‘Batch Calculate Distance or Times’ process. Clients use this tool to build travel expense estimates for delivery systems and outside sales forces or to conduct ZIP-to-ZIP analysis. Another term applied to the batch calculate process is Origin-destination Analysis.

MapBusinessOnline Pro also provides proximity searches for marketing and sales analysis. Find the nearest optimal site location for new retail stores or determine the demographic stats for areas surrounding a set of proposed retail centers.

Consider the combination of MapBusinessOnline tools supporting your location-based needs. For instance:

  • Conduct spatial searches for imported location and demographic data—search by radius, drive time polygon, or ZIP codes.
  • Create multiple drive time territories in one pass. Import your field technician’s home addresses and create multiple driving time-based territories in seconds.

Multiple driving time or distance territory creation.

  • Create nationwide or regional franchise, sales, or service territories that establish clear demarcation lines and provide balanced workloads or value criteria.
  • Analyze multiple bank branch locations to examine progress and risks among existing investments, loans, or construction projects.
  • Determine the most lucrative geographic areas for potential expansion by comparing existing successful ZIP code demographics to similar cities elsewhere.
  • Generate sales leads by uploading business listings using MapBusinessOnline’s business listing search engine—prospect based on known demographic and geographic success.
  • Combine imported business analysis spreadsheet with included demographic data and geographic layers such as ZIP codes or counties.

The possibilities are endless.

Drive Time Territories created using MapBusinessOnline.

We just wanted to reach out and emphasize that MapBusinessOnline offers the driving time difference – driving time and distance queries – which differentiates us from the competition. Not only can you create compelling map visualizations with drive time-based polygons, but you can create driving time and distance and demographic analyses of your areas of interest. That is a powerful combination because driving distances and demographic characteristics depict human activities in a variety of impactful ways.

No other business mapping service provides these features at these affordable price levels.

Go toMapBusinessOnline.com and sign up today.

View a comparison of feature sets for both MapBusinessOnline Standard and Pro here. Or

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MapBusinessOnline – Your Portfolio of Map Projects


So, you are a new map creator. Congratulations! Or perhaps you’ve been creating maps for your business or several businesses for some time now. Have you established a regular workflow for your business mapping projects? It’s worth thinking about for several reasons:

  • Map project requests will often require the same or similar map solutions used on previous maps, which means you could leverage work you’ve already accomplished toward a new map project.
  • Often, it’s a good idea to stop working on a map project and walk away for a day or so. Returning to the project with fresh eyes can reveal new pathways to success. Remember, maps are a visual medium.
  • Carefully save your map projects within MapBusinessOnline using the Save button on the Master Toolbar. The Save function provides a portfolio library for your occasional review.

Radius-based territory mapping for business expansion planning.

Any map project, like other work or even home projects, will entail a series of steps to completion:

  1. Gather the requirements for your map project.
    1. Establish the goal of the map project. What business problem or process does it address?
    2. How will your project be measured? What measurement criteria will indicate that the map project is successful?
    3. What location data sources are available to support your map project, and where are they located? All map projects need location data. That’s how maps convey meaningful and relevant ideas. Make sure you have access to the necessary files.
  2. Understand your map project audience. Who will view and consider the map?
    1. Map projects reviewed by management or the executive office will impact your reputation. Keep this in mind as you develop your map project.
    2. Consider the map’s audience as you develop the project. Keep the map focused, uncluttered, easy on the eyes for executive team presentations, and well spell-checked.
  3. Decide what business or organizational topics are best presented by a business map.
    1. Review collected location data and all the associated data columns to determine which datasets import well and provide a relevant story or path to a solution via a map presentation.
    2. Determine which administrative map layers best support the map story – ZIP code, City Limit, County, or others.
    3. Are there saved map projects that approximate the project you’re about to create? If there are, open them, save them under a new filename, and proceed.
  4. Consider the ancillary datasets available within MapBusinessOnline that may be able to add value to your map project:
    1. USA Census Bureau demographic data.
    2. Business listings.
    3. Point ZIP code data.

A service territory coverage map created using MapBusinessOnline.

Optimizing Your Map

Once you’ve imported your datasets over the map view, you can start honing your map to match the task. Create a first-pass MapBusinessOnline map with imported location datasets. Match the business map layers with your understanding of the problem or situation the map is supposed to address. Remembering the goal of your map project, look at the data layers. Ask yourself, do all the imported datasets add value to the map? Which datasets are critical to supporting the map’s intent?

MapBusinessOnline’s Map and Data box shows all your imported datasets and map layers. You can check off imported datasets and map layers one at a time. Find the datasets and map layers most critical to your map’s intent. Turn the other layers off. The map creator can always turn datasets and layers on to answer questions or make points.

Are the map layers you’ve selected relevant to the problem? For example, if you are exploring the reasons for repeated late deliveries to certain ZIP 3 codes, you probably do not need to show ZIP 5 codes or Counties on the map. Turn off the layers you do not need.

Generally, two map layers are enough to support a business map. Usually, ZIP 5 Code and State layers are turned on. Depending upon the distribution of your data, ZIP codes and City Limits can be applied. Do this judiciously. Only use map layers and datasets that add value to the presentation.

MapBusinessOnline provides the map creator with controls over the look and feel of the map. Map creators can adjust the following:

Map Layers – ZIP code, City Limit, County, State.

  • Fill – On/off, color.
  • Line – On/off, thickness, color.


  • Symbol – Symbol option, color, size.
  • Heat map – Weather map intensity area based on numeric values.
  • Circles with numbers – Circle color, size, and numeric value.
  • Charts – Use chart or graph-style symbolization.

Learn more about adjusting the map look and feel.

Identifying the top four best areas by ZIP code for a new dental practice in suburban Columbus, OH.

Saving Your Map Project

Over time, you will generate more business map projects for your organization. You must keep your map projects saved and organized.

Remember to save your map project with a name that describes the purpose or geographic design. Some examples of descriptive project save names:

  • CongressionalDistrictPopulation2024
  • ZIP3MailAnalysisHomeDepot
  • CountyHHInc2023MADeputyAssoc

When creating a new map project, it is a good idea to review your previous work to see if there are similar projects you can leverage.

If you find a previous map project that might fit your latest project, open the map file and save it under a different name. Remove previous datasets and import relevant data. Now, start optimizing your map project to your liking.

When you near completion of your map project, keep these final steps in mind:

  • Ask a trusted associate to review your map work.
  • Do a final spell check. Remember to look at map titles, the saved map name, and any text boxes you’ve placed on the map.
  • Save your map project as a My Template in the MapBusinessOnline save option. Saving the map in the My Template folder will prevent you from overwriting, deleting, or sharing the map inadvertently.

Think of MapBusinessOnline as your geographic project portfolio. And think of yourself as a certified map geek – which is an excellent thing!

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For New Subscribers to MapBusinessOnline.com

MapBusinessOnline is an interactive geographic web map of the United States or Canada. It allows map subscribers to overlay relevant map layers and create business map models that describe their particular business systems.

Business models include sales territories, franchise territories, customer maps, prospect maps, market analysis, expansion planning maps, and field service maps.

Designed to improve upon the Microsoft MapPoint user interface, MapBusinessOnline is easy to use and has provided thousands of professionals with affordable access to business mapping software. To get started, import your location datasets (address or latitude/longitude data) into the mapping application. Here’s another helpful resource for map creation using MapBusinessOnline.

A franchise territory map balanced by Census Bureau population data.

Example industries that regularly use MapBusinessOnline include:

  • Construction – Site planning, job site monitoring, and vehicle routing.
  • Franchise businessesFranchisee territory planning, sales planning, and franchise mapping.
  • Healthcare – Field clinician mapping, hospital systems planning, and healthcare market analysis.
  • Hi-tech – Field service territory mapping, market analysis, and expansion planning.
  • Insurance businesses – Sales mapping, territory mapping, market analysis, and field claims mapping.
  • Manufacturing – Sales mapping, territory management, hierarchical territories, and expansion planning.
  • Large and small Retailer – Marketing campaign management, territory mapping, and expansion planning.
  • Sales & Marketing – Territory management, marketing campaign tracking, and map visualizations.

Additional map layers available to MapBusinessOnline map creators include:

  • Client location data – customer and prospect address lists, patient address lists, store locations, and many other business location-enabled datasets.
  • Optional additional map layers – ZIP codes, counties, states, city limits, and Census tracts.
  • Ancillary datasets – Census Bureau demographic data, Business Listings, and calculated data sets generated within MapBusinessOnline from other datasets.

Imported location data points can be converted to optimized vehicle routes with up to 150 stops per route. They can also be used to create customer map visualizations that visually describe where customers are located and their point density across a larger map view.

Territory Mapping Support

MapBusinessOnline sales, franchise, or service territories are created from map layers – ZIP codes, counties, city limits, or states. Territory mapping support includes:

  • Territory spreadsheet import.
  • Territory creation by on-map selection.
  • Hierarchical territory support – Regions, Divisions, Zones.
  • Territory overlap controls.
  • Territory balancing functions.
  • Export ZIP codes segmented by territory.

Basic How to Videos

Click here for a quick recorded MapBusinessOnline web demonstration. For a live demonstration, possibly using your business data, contact MapBusinessOnline here.

Resources for learning about MapBusinessOnline and how to create effective business maps are listed below:

Contact us options:


Read reviews and view MapBusinessOnline comparisons on G2:


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How Location Data Supports Market Analysis

Location data is rapidly becoming an indispensable analysis resource for large and small businesses. MapBusinessOnline enables the import of any industry’s location-based data. As long as the data includes a column(s) for location, you’re good – address, latitude/longitude, or other geographic fields. Just import your data and play with symbolization and color-coding tools on a business map.

A case in point is a billboard advertising business’s requirement for traffic data. Many of you reading this blog haven’t considered who is responsible for setting up billboards along a major highway and how they do it. Well, don’t feel bad, neither did I.

Multiple clients have used our business mapping software to support billboard marketing. Recently, a billboard management client requested that we help them import a dataset of points representing traffic concentrations along a major highway.

Our billboard marketing client, armed with a shapefile dataset showing traffic history along a significant corridor, sought to determine where the highest traffic locations happen. This data would represent the highest number of potential human eye views that could perceive the proposed billboard advertising. Their simple data story is a testament to the power of location-based data in marketing.

Traffic data is available through city and state road and highway maintenance agencies. Usually, these agencies have a GIS employee or group that manages geographic data collection. That data is often deployed in shapefile format. Not all business applications can ingest shapefile data pulls. Thus, MapBusinessOnline required conversion to Excel to access the data points by latitude and longitude coordinates.

Upon receipt, our sales team leader, Jason Henderson, reviewed the data and sent the shapefile to our technical team for conversion into an Excel spreadsheet. With the data now importable into MapBusinessOnline, Jason suggested they visualize the information based on the data collection station columns within the Excel sheet. The client map user imported the location points, which geocoded the latitude and longitude coordinates onto the state of North Carolina within a MapBusinessOnline North America map.

The MapBusinessOnline user used MapBusinessOnline heat map tools to transform the map display into a heat map showing point densities at station collection points where passing traffic was most highly concentrated. Because there were roughly 45,000 latitude-longitude points to plot, the data fit nicely into MapBusinessOnline Standard, which enables up to 50,000 location points per map.

y data

This heat map shows concentrations of collected data points along a highway.

For imports of up to 250,000 records and for more advanced driving time and distance queries, upgrade to MapBusinessOnline Pro.

The Process for Visualizing Collected Location Data

Unfortunately, MapBusinessOnline does not support shapefile import. However, a GIS or IT specialist can convert the data to a point dataset in CSV or Excel formats. Armed with this standard spreadsheet, the MapBusinessOnline user can easily import the location data through typical data import processes.

  1. Along the Master Toolbar, under the Adding to Map section, click the Dataset Button.
  2. Navigate to your saved data file and select it for import.
  3. Follow the dialogue box options for geolocating the data in MapBusinessOnline.


With the converted point layer overlaid onto a MapBusinessOnline business map, there are multiple ways to symbolize, color-code, and view the map data layer:

  • A color-coded point layer, perhaps with varying symbol sizes and colors.
  • A heat map dot-density map view that shows the dot concentrations in high-density areas.
  • A heat map weather-map view shows hot or cold activity based on numeric data.
  • Numbered circles of varying size and color.
  • A ZIP code map with a color-coded scheme based on coordinate densities within each ZIP code.

The marketing client will consider traffic data collection densities when determining the optimum placement for billboards.

There could be other non-municipal uses for the side of the highway traffic data:

  • Retail and service station potential site location analysis.
  • Rest stop, site location analysis.
  • Vehicle breakdown location analysis for call boxes.
  • Endangered species protection analysis.

Marketing users of MapBusinessOnline also have territory-creation tools at their disposal. Marketing and sales professionals apply dot density maps, like the above-described billboard map, to study areas of interest or territories for sales groups or field technicians. Territory analysis is used to research billboards and other marketing initiatives – results vs. investment.

Look for available location datasets relevant to your industry.

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The MapBusinessOnline Territory Mapping Solution

MapBusinessOnline is perhaps best known for its territory mapping capabilities. These capabilities are fundamental sales and marketing tools for hundreds of thousands of businesses worldwide, including franchise, sales, and service organizations.

Many old-timer clients compare the capabilities of MapBusinessOnline territory management to those of Microsoft MapPoint—a product Microsoft abandoned ten years ago.

MapBusinessOnline stands out among business mapping software by integrating database management with handsome geographic map views and location-based data analysis. This unique combination of powerful data visualization tools makes it a wise investment for any sales and marketing or general business professional.

Three ZIP code-based drive times territories created using MapBusinessOnline.

Territory mapping users apply these location-based tools to many specific applications, including:

  • Franchisee territory map development for area definition and contractual records.
  • Field staff management for sales, clinical, homecare, and service industries.
  • Market analysis in support of business expansion.
  • Sales planning, forecasting, and sharing maps for business meetings.
  • Support nationwide businesses with hierarchical territory maps for nationwide conglomerates.


When map creators launch MapBusinessOnline territory mapping tools, they tend to do the following:

Build a ZIP code territory map of their area of interest – Map creators are generally more comfortable with ZIP code map layers for territory map creation. ZIP codes provide the geographic granularity required to manage their operations, especially for more regional and local businesses like franchise organizations and home care agencies. Multi-state territories do occur, but business life is often more complex than a state map layer allows at a geographic level. Learn more here.

Overlay imported customer or patient data—It is easy to import an address or latitude-longitude spreadsheet onto a MapBusinessOnline territory map. Customer layers add a visual component to the territory map and a datasheet view where customer locations can be geographically associated with other relevant data columns. Learn more about customer maps.

Create a demographic layer on their territory map. MapBusinessOnline includes access to the Census Bureau demographic data library for use within any business map. While the category options are extensive, territory map creators tend to pull from certain data types—population, income, ethnicity, and consumer expenditures are among the most popular. Learn more here.

Search for business listing sales leads to supplement existing customer locations – Prospecting for additional sales is a constant challenge for most companies. MapBusinessOnline lets the map user/creator search for new leads by business name, industry, ZIP code search, radius search, or polygon search. Fill in those canceled appointments or look for additional stops to fill out extended business trips. Learn more here.

Two New Key Features

Merge Existing Territories in One Step—Merging two distinct territories is often required when editing territories. Now, MapBusinessOnline includes a one-step Merge option to help the map editor quickly combine territories and decide what happens to the original territory selection. Select the territories you wish to merge and select Merge Territories in the dialogue box. You can choose to keep the name on one territory or create a new territory with your selection.

Select territories and choose the Merge Territories option.

Import Hierarchical Territory Spreadsheets – Our most recent territory enhancement. Create tiered territory hierarchy spreadsheets and import Territories, Regions, and Divisions in one step. You won’t believe how easy it is once you create your scheme. Learn more here.

Other Territory Mapping Functions

Edit & Optimize a  Territory Map—MapBusinessOnline makes it easy to adjust the various visual components of an accurate territory map. Turn ZIP code and county layers on and off. Adjust layer transparency. Color-code the fill and boundary lines. Make your map more focused on critical elements such as core business targets.

Add additional data to Territory Map Labels – Sometimes, territory labels need to say more than just a name. MapBusinessOnline provides five flexible fields for territory labels, just like other map layer labels. Add imported numeric data or select demographic data to append to your territory labels. Additionally, there is a field for notes associated with every territory. Use the notes field to add information your constituents may require to do their job.

Share territory Maps with Constituents – Use MapBusinessOnline public map sharing to share view-only, pan-and-zoom interactive maps with constituents. They view, download data, and create routes, but they cannot edit the map. Learn more here.

Analyze a Target Market Area Using Territory Map Views – Using the territory map Data Window view map, creators can display the ZIP codes or Counties where they’ve been successful at selling. Add to this data view the demographic characteristics of those areas of interest, and a picture begins to take shape describing the most lucrative ZIP code types for certain products and services. Now, search the country for similarly populated sections and generate more business.

Additional Features Included in MapBusinesOnline’s Complete Territory Mapping Solution

  • Filter the map view by area, ZIP code, county, state, and other map layers.
  • Create optimized vehicle routes with up to 150 stops per route.
  • Build up to 50 territory maps (Standard) or 1500 territory maps (Pro.)
  • Color code geographic areas or imported location points.
  • Share low-cost interactive maps. Generate PDF, Jpeg, KML, or PNG image files.
  • Conduct advanced driving time and distance queries across datasets (Pro.)
  • Generate spatial searches of data by radius, polygon, or driving time search.
  • Export search results to CSV file – imported data, ZIP codes, demographic data, and business listings.

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Import a Hierarchical Territory Map in Just a Few Steps

MapBusinessOnline announces a two-step hierarchical territory import process. Import and Assign your territories, regions, and divisions with just a few mouse clicks.

Users can easily import an Excel or CSV territory hierarchy file to create a full-tiered sales or service territory hierarchy.

MapBusinessOnline hierarchical territory support is not just a feature; it’s a game-changer. The tool provides territory mapping support for franchise, sales, and service businesses, efficiently organizing territory tiers over large geographic areas. This makes it an invaluable business tool, enhancing your sales and service management capabilities.

Territory hierarchies are most commonly applied to nationwide sales organizations.  These businesses support a network of sales professionals requiring several tiers of sales managers responsible for multiple regions of the country.

Usually, hierarchical territory structures represent geographic layers of management:

  • Territories – Individual salespeople are responsible for designated territory areas.
  • Regions – Regional managers are responsible for a group of territory managers.
  • Divisions – Vice presidents and directors manage a group of regional managers.

MapBusinessOnline territory mapping software is designed to accommodate varying management structure labels such as Zones, Areas, or Divisions. No matter how your business is structured or what labels describe your tiers, MapBusinessOnline has got you covered.

The Hierarchy Territory Process

The first step for hierarchy territory map users supporting a multi-tiered territory import process is creating a spreadsheet that reflects the desired territory, regions, and division assignments.  If you already have territory assignments in MapBusinessOnline, you can export those territories to a CSV file as a starting point. Learn more about territory export here.

Below is a sample hierarchical territory spreadsheet section for your review.  This particular file is for a territory map based on ZIP codes.

Upon import, each ZIP code is automatically assigned to a territory (column F), region (column B), and division (column C.)

  • Required columns for a ZIP code-based hierarchy spreadsheet – ZIP code, Region, Division, Territory.
  • Required columns for a County-based hierarchy spreadsheet – County, State, Region, Division, Territory.

Import a Territory Hierarchy

Once you’ve imported a Hierarchical Territory spreadsheet into MapBusinessOnline, you will feel comfortable creating your territory hierarchy in just one or two steps. But for clarity, these are the steps with the various options included.

  1. On the MapBusinessOnline Master Toolbar, select the Territories button under Adding to Map.
  2. In the Create Territories dialogue, select Import Multi-level Territory Hierarchy.
  3. Navigate to your data spreadsheet. Select the data and click Next.
  4. A new pop-up appears called Create Territories—Territory Levels. Here, the process presents the hierarchy of territory levels or tiers about to be imported. The map creator has the option to uncheck any of the tiers about to be imported. Click Next or click directly on Create Territories.
  5. A Next click above presents a new Create Territories—Alignment Options pop-up. The user can change the alignment layer assignment and ignore point ZIP codes. In most cases, the map creator will click Create Territories.
  6. Territories, regions, and divisions now populate the map view. The Data Window provides a territory datasheet view. A map legend listing territories, regions, and divisions also appears. A final Create Territories—Results pop-up box describes the number of territories, regions, and divisions created and any issues that might have occurred. Click Done when you’re finished reviewing the Results pop-up.

A post-import map view with the legend, Data Window, and Results pop-up is now on the MapBusinessOnline desktop:

Adjust and Refine Your Territory Map

At this point in your process, especially when creating a nationwide map based on ZIP codes, always review your map to ensure you’ve collected all the boundary ZIP codes or Counties required for your territory map. Look for unshaded areas that may need to be cleaned up. Editing territory maps is easy using MapBusinessOnline. Read more about creating a nationwide territory map.

You will also want to refine your map’s look and feel. Fine-tuning your map view makes it easier for your constituents to understand your territory map. Adding Regions and Divisions does complicate a map view.

I made several quick adjustments to each territory, region, and division layer to make the map easier to view and less cluttered:

At the Territorial Level

  1. In Map and Data, click the Edit Map Layer Properties button. Click on the General tab.
    1. Adjust the territory Boundary control to a thin, dark color.
    2. Check the Hide Internal Boundaries box.
    3. Move the Transparency bar to 60%.
  2. Click on the Label tab and change the Label Fill Color to White.

At the Region Level

  1. In Map and Data, click the Edit Map Layer Properties button. Click on the General Tab.
    • Adjust the Region Boundary control to a thicker, yellow color.
    • Check the Hide Internal Boundaries box.
    • Move the Transparency bar to 90%.
  2. Click on the Label tab. Change the Label Fill Color to match the boundary color, make the text Bold, and increase the size to Large. Use your cursor to move the label to a central point in each region.

At the Division Level

  1. In Map and Data, click the Edit Map Layer Properties button. Click on the General Tab.
    1. Adjust the territory Boundary control to a thicker, darker color.
    2. Check the Hide Internal Boundaries box.
    3. Move the Transparency bar to 90%.
  2. Click on the Label tab. Change the Label Fill Color to match the boundary color, make the text Bold, and increase the size to Large. Use your cursor to move the label to a central point in each division.

Here’s my final map output:

Final hierarchical territory map optimized for best look and feel.

The above adjustments are recommendations for optimizing this particular map view.  Your map business map may benefit from different colors, thicknesses, and transparency choices. Read more about how to adjust your territory map’s look and feel.

Using MapusinessOnline’s import territory hierarchies should only process, including territory edits, should only take 15 minutes or so. Technical support is always available through Chat, email, or phone.

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Metropolitan Statistical Areas – Census Geographies for Market Analysis

MapBusinessOnline includes a geographic boundary layer called MSAs or Metropolitan Statistical Areas. MSAs are area geographies designed, managed, and published by the Census Bureau.  These areas come in two types:

Metropolitan MSAs – These are defined as having at least one urban area with a population of 50,000 people, ensuring the accuracy of your data analysis.

Micropolitan MSAs are areas with at least one area with population of at least 10,000 but less than 50,000.

Read more about the Census Bureau MSA criteria here.

The MSA map layer in MapBusinessOnline is included in the Layers button along the Master Toolbar. Select the MSA layer, which will be displayed on your business map. Each record of an MSA consists of an identifying FIPs code. A map editor can edit the look and feel of an MSA layer just like a City Limit, ZIP code, or County layer; you can control boundary color and thickness, choose fill color, and turn fill on and off.

Read more about adjusting your map’s look and feel.

A nationwide MSA map showing population breakdown.

MSA – Marketing Geographies

MSA geographies in MapBusinessOnline are more than just areas; MSAs are often used as convenient examination regions for market analysis.  Reviewing relevant business and demographic data over a germane target area helps the map user make informed business decisions.

MSA demographic population criteria are intended to characterize an area’s urban intensity, such as Boston.  Any metropolitan area, like Boston, typically includes radio, periodical, television programming, and online media with advertising that directs consumers to local and regional businesses for products and services.  This demographic marketing data keeps your business informed and competitive in the market.

Using an entire MSA to represent a marketing area of focus can also save map-building time and help organize your unique business analysis.

In MapBusinessOnline, the application of MSA areas sometimes overlaps with other map analyses that could include ZIP codes or counties. A map creator can create territories from multiple ZIP codes or counties representing marketing areas. MSAs are preconstructed and might provide a similar map presentation with less time and effort.

MSAs are similar in scope and intent to Nielsen DMA geographies, which are also designed marketing areas. DMAs are proprietary and controlled by Neilsen, requiring significant investment to be incorporated into an analysis tool like MapBusinessOnline.

Here’s a demographic example using MSA geographies.  The most money spent on alcoholic beverages per capita occurs in Los Alamos, NM, not Boston, MA, as many suspect.

MSA geographies and Census consumer data on alcohol consumption.

Practical Use of MSAs

The MSA map layer in MapBusinessOnline could be used to design a sales, service, or franchise territory mapping system, just like you would using other map layers.  MSAs can be combined into groups or territories.  Applying MSA territories could be a time saver for businesses with more extensive territory operations and a way to focus on core markets. For instance, Boston, Worcester, and Manchester, New Hampshire, might combine nicely into a key territory for certain organizations doing business there.

MSAs could also serve as a franchisee territory base layer within franchising organizations.  SA easily accommodates the import of MapBusinessOnline demographic data for balancing purposes.  All territory functionality still applies, so minimizing areas of overlap is easy.

The downside of MSA territories in franchising is that the coverage areas may be too large.  Franchisee territories tend to be concentrated in heavily populated urban areas, and the outlying regions are usually too sparsely populated to support a franchise sales business.

Like other MapBusinessOnline business mapping software MSAs, geographies can be combined beyond territory maps into regions and divisions.  Hierarchical territory support constantly improves as MapBusinessOnline releases updates enabling hierarchical territory data imports.

Like other boundary map layers in MapBusinessOnline, MSAs can be color-coded based on relevant associated data, such as imported business data or demographic data.  These relevant data layers can create another view of the USA  or regions that reflect core demographic statistics.

Sales organizations may find MSAs a very convenient geography for selecting and downloading business listings.  Because the MSA areas tend to be more urban-focused, business listings will be concentrated in these populated and active centers of consumer activity.

Explore the other map layers available in MapBusinessOnline. City limits and census tracts are additional add-on layer options for your business map work.  See how MapBusinessOnline can make your location-based work more accessible, enjoyable, and effective.

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MapBusinessOnline Pro – A Solution for Where & When Challenges Related to Location

What problems does MapBusinessOnline Pro solve for the average customer using the tool?

Business mapping software and GIS are geographic software solutions that address business challenges from a location perspective. In other words, a subscribing user of MapBusinessOnline would use the software to address a business problem within their industry that is related to location in some way.

Finance Business Problems

For example, a banker might examine the problem of monitoring real estate investment risks for a specific business client. Instead of viewing those investments by account number in a spreadsheet, they might also use MapBusinessOnline to create a location-based Map Visualization of those investments overlaid on a ZIP code or group of ZIP codes or perhaps over a radius search of 10 miles from a given center point.

Once defined on a MapBusinessOnline business map, a specific area of interest can be easily overlaid with an array of relevant location data. For risk assessment in the above banking example, the area of interest can be enhanced with demographic information, imported business, and other relevant datasets.

What problems does MapBusinessOnline solve for a banking business?

  1. Exposing possible mortgage and loan area risks. Map visualizations can display color-coded ZIP codes that reflect high-risk neighborhoods based on loan portfolios and demographic trends.
  2. Business maps that include actual client home and business locations with relevant financial data can be symbolized to reflect investment or payment histories—banks like knowing where both good and bad customers spend their money.
ZIP Codes Med Household Income Population No. of Snow Tires Sold Winter 2024 Mortgage Values
27415 $57,875 5478 216 $12 million
27418 $63,978 4879 187 $8 million
27419 $61,879 6014 235 $6 million

An example of business data that could be imported into MapBusinessOnline.

In addition to banks, insurance companies and franchise businesses use the territory mapping and market analysis capabilities of MapBusinessOnline Pro to control multiple aspects of their businesses, including:

  • Managing field technicians and sales staff in the field using territory management tools.
  • Finding new markets using map-based market analysis based on actual sell-through data.
  • Examining expansion opportunities and fine-tuning site selection.
  • Avoid sales staff frustration and balance workloads by controlling sales overlap.
  • Informing the sales team or strategy meetings using map visualizations.

Franchise Business Challenges

Of course, a ‘franchise business’ covers a lot of ground. That’s because franchises could be:

  • Restaurant businesses – A series of restaurants sold to franchisees from city to city, such as McDonald’s.
  • A set of retail product(s) sold through franchisee stores like Ace Hardware.
  • A service business. There are thousands. Think The UPS Store, Anytime Fitness, or Tattoo Removals R Us.

Franchise businesses love territory maps because map visualizations describe the franchisee’s territories well. Map visualizations created in MapBusinessOnline also include a data view.

What problems does MapBusinessOnline solve for a franchise business?

  1. Ensure the franchisor and the franchisee are clear on territory boundaries, with no overlap with other franchisee territories.
  2. Balance franchisee territories to keep things equal between franchisee businesses.
  3. Provide the franchisee with a map visualization of the territory to be filed with the franchise investment records.

Franchising businesses use MapBusinessOnline to analyze the marketplace and balance territories.

Construction Industry Mapping

Business mapping software provides geographic visualization tools perfect for site management and assessment. Construction, property management, and real estate professionals use Map Business Online Pro for portfolio management and site assessment tasks.

Portfolio management means specific sites or groups can be imported into a map project as a location dataset. Typical Excel or standard spreadsheets can be imported easily by address or lat/long coordinates.

Once imported, map visualizations are created from future site location data to enhance sales processes and construction management. For example, construction site locations can be visualized within a specific driving time or distance window of the nearest critical resources. Construction sites can be color-coded and symbolized to reflect project status and type, such as construction versus renovation sites.

What problems does MapBusinessOnline solve for a construction business?

  1. A map visualization shows where existing construction projects are located. Similar projects might fit well into the business growth plan, perhaps assisting sales with new leads.
  2. Site assessments can be organized by mapping projects, tracking inspection appointments, and other milestones, providing an organizing platform for project review.
  3. Where are all my critical resources located? MapBusinessOnline Pro conducts proximity searches to reveal the nearest municipal, medical, and other industry resources.

Medical Business Planning

Anyone seeking medical services in urban areas with at least one hospital system will have noticed medical businesses changing ownership or merging with new umbrella business management. Such medical system consolidation can bring challenging operational shifts impacting medical professionals and the patient community.

Medical system planners often include an analysis of driving time and distance analysis in their acquisition and systems development planning. MapBusinessOnline Pro provides affordable driving time and distance tools to quickly define areas of interest based on driving time measurements.

Health Care System analysis map using MapBusinessOnline.com

What problems does MapBusinessOnline solve for a medical systems business?

  1. Understanding where the core client constituency lives. Establishing driving time or distance tolerances for most patients seeking standard medical services means site assessments can proceed in designated areas. Driving time and distance queries can help decide where to locate a medical lab or imaging facility to maximize client convenience.
  2. Organizing medical business consolidations based on like services and proximity to the central hospital system. Maps keep things efficient.
  3. Understanding where traveling clinicians are today and viewing patient locations on a business map can help avoid expensive clinician travel cross-traffic while addressing critical patient needs.

MapBusinessOnline Pro provides significant businesses with the advanced capabilities to solve complex business problems based on location.

  • Import up to 250,000 locations points per map.
  • Create up to 1,500 territories per map.
  • Generate proximity searches, origin-destination analysis, and demographic analysis.

We help businesses with where, when, and how challenges.

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