How Do I Edit MapBusinessOnline Maps?

Sometimes users who are new to MapBusinessOnline find it easy to create a map and build a territory, but then they have trouble finding the editing tools. Users come to MapBusinessOnline business mapping software from MapPoint, Maptitude, eSpatial, and sometimes no map experience at all.  Every software system has a process for editing. So, where are the Editing Tools in MapBusinessOnline?

We certainly do not mean to hide editing tools. Once you’ve been shown how they work, it should be easy for you to find editing tools again and to uncover new editing features as your use expands.

Download Business Listings for Competitor Maps

Editing Map Layers Look & Feel

A map layer in Map Business Online is a ZIP code layer, a County layer, and a Territory Layer; pretty much any layer you see listed in the CheckBox of Map and Data. Read more about Map and Data.

To find the editing tools for any layer, hover over the map layer description in Map and Data and click the Edit Map Layer Button. This gives you access to the map look and feel tools. Here you can edit fill and boundary colors as well as boundary widths. Transparency controls are located here as well. And under the Labels tab, you will be able to edit the labels of all map layers, including adding aggregated demographic or imported business data totals to labels. There are five flexible label fields available for relevant numeric business data to be aggregated into a map layer label.  Which means you can total annual sales by ZIP code, or aggregate all expenses by territory.

Editing a Sales Territory‘s Components

To edit the base segments of an already constructed territory, make sure your component map layer is checked on and visible. For instance, make sure ZIP codes are available for selection. To remove a section from a territory made up of ZIP codes, select the first ZIP code, targeted for removal, with your cursor. When presented with a choice between Territory name and ZIP code ID, choose the ZIP code.

Now hold down the shift key and select as many additional ZIP codes as required for the total edit. When you’ve selected all your targets, click the “Edit Territories” Puzzle Piece icon in the mini toolbar. Now you’ll be presented with a set of options:

  • Create New
  • Add to
  • Update
  • Move to
  • Intersect with
  • Remove from all
  • Remove from all except

In this case, click Remove. The territory will be adjusted, and the Data Window will present the new list of ZIP codes associated with the original territory name. This approach works for all map layers – ZIP5, ZIP3, county, state, MSA, and Census tracts. Please note, this approach to map layer selection and editing also works for territory creation – hence the Create New option in the edit list dropdown.

To further edit the territory map look and feel click the Territory Label. Along the mini toolbar associated with that territory, find and click the Edit Territory Properties button. Here you will find editing tools for editing territory names, color fill adjustments, and label controls. Use this tool to make your territories stand out, or fade into the background, depending on your map’s purpose.

Another aspect of territory maps is the MapBusinessOnline Data Window analysis view. There are some editing, filtering, and database management tools in the Data Window. Read more about the Data Window here.

Editing a Map Object

Editing Imported Data

To edit one record at a time from the Data Window, however over the far left column of your target data row. Click the Edit Pencil that appears. The Location dialogue appears. Edit either the General record or the Callout label.

A new feature is the ability to delete multiple records at once from that Data Window. Select one record and then hold down Shift to grab all entire groups of records, or hold down Shift to select records incrementally. When ready, hit any delete key associated with a selected row. Poof! Their gone. Hit the back button above the Master Toolbar to undo.

For full control over imported data editing and mass edits, a Map Business Online user should apply the Unique ID system. This means adding a column to your imported data that assigns a unique identifying number to each record. It could be as simple as 01, 02, 03.  Read more about unique ID use here.

The unique ID approach enables data editing through the Data Window view. Select your imported data (with a unique ID) in the Data Window dropdown. Hover your cursor over the target record’s left column of color dots. (Those colored dots represent how accurately your data geocoded.) Click on the Pencil Icon. Choose to edit Address & Location or edit Data Properties. Go nuts.

Sometimes a user may want to edit imported data record formatting in Map Business Online. For instance, a phone number might not look like a phone number. For data formatting edits, return to the Map and Data box. Hover over your imported data layer. Click the Edit Map Properties button and then, under the General Tab, select Customize Dataset.

Within customize Dataset you will find three dropdown options. They enable accordingly:

Editing a Draw Layer, Otherwise Known as a Map Object

Sometimes you just need a circle or a polygon on the map. A user might use that drawn map object to query an area of imported data points. By selecting either a Search Data tool or a Draw Tool (these tools are located right next to each other in the middle of the Master Toolbar) the user can easily query a data layer or Summarize Data available within MapBusinessOnline. Read more about the Summary Tool.

Each Search Tool or Draw Tool map object has an object editing tool associated with it. You’ll see the Edit Box appear when the object is created or reselected. Within that box are tools to edit color, fill and label. Have a ball.

The Wrap Up

The above-described editing processes address most of the editing processes in MapBusinessOnline. You’ll find a few more general editing tools in Map and Data like Legend Control, Map Title, Territory Intersection, and miscellaneous controls. Don’t be afraid to poke around on your own in MapBusinessOnline. You can’t break the map. Explore the tools:

  • Along the master toolbar
  • The data window toolbar
  • The More Data button in the Data Window lower left
  • Map and Data
  • Use the Help button
  • And use the Blog
  • Contact us via the contact button or Chat

I promise that you will quickly become a regular user of all the editing tools in MapBusinessOnline.


MapBusinessOnline access has officially transitioned from Web Browser (Adobe Flash Player) access to the Map App download access.

  • Please download the Map App from the website –
  • After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows’ Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option. You can drag the icon to the taskbar for a quick launch button.
  • All saved maps will be available through your Map Library Folder, the second button in from the left on the Master Toolbar. (Green File Folder icon.)

Map App access to provides enhanced features and a better user experience.

The Map App includes the new Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Value-Added Resellers – Offer the tool to your customers as a reseller. Make money on training and consulting. Contact us with further interest in reselling MapBusinessOnline.

Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

Please read customer reviews or review us at Capterra, or g2crowd

Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson

About Geoffrey Ives

Geoffrey Ives lives and works in southwestern Maine. He grew up in Rockport, MA and graduated from Colby College. Located in Maine since 1986, Geoff joined DeLorme Publishing in the late 1990's and has since logged twenty-five years in the geospatial software industry. In addition to business mapping, he enjoys playing classical & jazz piano, gardening, and taking walks in the Maine mountains with his Yorkshire Terrier named Skye.
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