9 Ways to Access Demographic Data in MapBusinessOnline Std and Pro

Demographic data is accessed by business map users to build location intelligence supporting better business decision-making. Sometimes the data is used to simply display population densities by area. In another case, that demographic data becomes the baseline data for establishing an addressable market for a product line or service. Simple or complex, demographic data is critical to business and market analysis.

MapBusinessOnline provides access to Census Bureau demographic data layers. The data is sourced from the Census American Community Survey (ACS), which publishes updates to the ten-year Census. I’m sure the Bureau is preparing to gather a boatload of Census data as I write this, it being 2020 and all.

MapBusinessOnline now comes in two flavors, Standard and Pro. Both versions of MapBusinessOnline have access to the same demographic data. Any prospective buyer of MapBusinessOnline can access those data layers using the Free Trial. You’ll be able to scroll through the data options. However, you will not be allowed to export any of the demographic data unless you purchase a subscription.

Both MapBusinessOnline Standard and Pro offer Demographic data and Business Listings (a paid-for service).

Demographic Data in MapBusinessOnline Standard

The Standard subscription of MapBusinessOnline offers access to demographic data in the usual MapBusinessOnline ways. Those include these seven options:

  • Color-shading map layers by Demographic categories. Click the Color Code Map button (Three Puzzle Piece button). Color any map layer by any demographic category. Application Example – color code ZIP codes by population density
  • Conduct Summary queries on map objects like Radius searches and Polygons. Application examples – create a circle population map and export the results or develop household income by radius queries
  • Append map layer Labels with aggregated demographic data. Application Example – aggregate all Hispanics within a territory label
  • Sales Territory Analysis in the Data Window using the More Data button. Application Example – get a rough idea of how all sales territories compare in terms of total population. Are they balanced?
  • Filter Demographic data layers in the Data Window. Application Example – filter city boundaries by highest proportion of median income
  • Export Data Window reports. Application Example – build a population growth map for a strategy session
  • Create simple calculations and sums of Demographic data layers in Calculated Data Columns. Application Example – display all ZIP codes by males ages 65 and up

A tire-kicking, uninitiated free-trialers can try MapBusinessOnline’s free map tools, population, median income, and ethnicity data is there for your review.

MapBusinessOnline Standard leverages all the above-listed access points to our growing Demographic Data library. You will find all major categories of demographic data listed. If you do not see the demographic data you seek, please let us know and we will consider adding it to our list of possible future enhancements.

MapBusinessOnline Standard demographic data is most often used for these applications:

Access Demographic Data

Demographic Data in MapBusinessOnline Pro

MapBusinessOnline Pro accesses the same demographic data libraries as Standard. All the MapBusinessOnline Standard features exist in Pro. From a product feature standpoint, the difference between MapBusinessOnline Standard and Pro is:

  1. Pro allows up to 250,000 location points per map, and Standard is limited to 100,000 points per map
  2. Pro enables access to demographic data through two Advanced Market Analysis tools
  3. Pro enables hierarchical territory support

Advanced Map-based Market Analysis

Let’s review the access points to demographic data in MapBusinessOnline Pro’s Market Analysis tools. The first five tools listed under Market Analysis are NOT designed to access demographic data directly.

  • Search & Segment from Multiple Centers – Use this function to create advanced marketing lists or territories. There is no direct tap to demographic data, except through the territories or areas of interest created. From within a territory click Map Data.
  • Two options for Batch Calculate Distance Queries – Two tools used for calculating distance queries across multiple locations and between two sets of data. Not used for demographic data access
  • Find the Nearest – This proximity search compares datasets and appends the nearest locations. Not used for demographic data access
  • Aggregate Customer Data – Use this tool to manage the application of imported customer data to geographic analysis. Not used for demographic data access

These final two tools listed in the Market Analysis Tools options are used to aggregate demographic data in Pro:

  • Summarize Demographic Data – This tool will allow the creation of multiple radius searches and add three categories of demographic data to the analysis. Repeat to get more and more data
  • Enrich a Dataset – Select your imported or created data in MapBusinessOnline Pro and add selected categories of Demographic Data to the data layer

Two Demographic Access Points in Pro Market Analysis

Summarize Demographic Data in Market Analysis will allow the user to place multiple radii (more than one circle) around a list of center points at a user-defined distance and collect up to three layers of demographic data which will be added to the Data Window results. The multiple circles limit right now is 200 locations contained in an imported dataset or MapBusinessOnline created marketing list.

You’ll collect three layers of demographic data with each pass. Once the initial query has been run, it is really easy to simply run that very same query again but change the demographic layer options to aggregate more layers. Rinse and repeat (do it again, until satisfied.)

This is an approach that can be used to generate results across an array of circles at different center points, or for a set of concentric circles around one central point. How cool is that?

Application Examples – Delivery circles describing fees for delivery by ZIP code. Multiple circle radii display demographic totals for a designated area around a central point – like a private school or a museum

Enriching a Dataset lets the Pro user import a dataset or create a dataset in Map Business Online and then add three demographic data categories to the original dataset by ZIP code, County or State. For more data, repeat the operation. Application Example – Product sales analysis enriched to expose market patterns.

Tapping into demographic data through a business mapping application is the process for collecting business or location intelligence; these two types of intelligence are practically synonymous.  Use MapBusinessOnline to overwhelm your business processes with data, then feed the decision-makers with exactly the data they need through a Business Map.

Are you using the Map Business Online Desktop App for MAC or PC? It’s hipper than Instagram and it comes with your subscription.

We recommend users access MapBusinessOnline via the downloadable Map App.

The Map App install is fast and easy. The Map App is a cloud-based service, once you’ve logged in you’ll have access to all of your previously saved maps and data. The Map App is a better user experience and provides access to more features than the Web App. The Flash-based Web App link will remain available until December 15, 2020.

The Map App includes the new Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Value-Added Resellers – Offer the tool to your customers as a reseller. Make money on training and consulting. Contact us with further interest in reselling Map Business Online.

Win a $20 Gift Card! Refer a business associate to Map Business Online in exchange for a $20 Amazon Gift Card!




About Geoffrey Ives

Geoffrey Ives lives and works in southwestern Maine. He grew up in Rockport, MA and graduated from Colby College. Located in Maine since 1986, Geoff joined DeLorme Publishing in the late 1990's and has since logged twenty-five years in the geospatial software industry. In addition to business mapping, he enjoys playing classical & jazz piano, gardening, and taking walks in the Maine mountains with his Yorkshire Terrier named Skye.
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