Export territory ZIP codes

There are boundary and point ZIP5 code types. Most of us live in a boundary ZIP code, an area covering several street blocks with the same ZIP code assigned by USPS. But there are also point ZIP codes assigned to large facilities like hospitals or military bases. Check out the article for more information.

When you build a territory in MBO, you use the boundary ZIP code layer that logically contains only boundary ZIP codes. That is because in MBO you build spatial territories, territories that have geographical extent, while a point ZIP code has essentially 0 extent.

CRM systems often use non-spatial (attribute) approach to territories. They simply map a ZIP code present in a customer address to a territory. This is where you will need point ZIP codes and luckily MBO supports exporting both boundary and point ZIPs segmented by a territory. The article shows how to export the ZIP codes.

  1. Let's start with a simple sales territory map by ZIP code in Dallas, TX area (the motherland of BusinessMAP, the father of MBO).
  1. Open Data window and select ZIP5 codes layer. Click Export button on the Data window's toolbar.
  1. Export data wizard will start. In its first dialog check all the boxes as we want to export all ZIP codes assigned to a territory, segment the ZIP codes by a territory, and include point ZIP codes. Click Next button.
  1. MBO will generate the report and show the following dialog with size of the report. Click Save file button.
  1. Save file dialog will pop up. Save the report. Click OK in the message box that will confirm that file has been saved.
  1. Let's open the report file in Excel now. You can see the screenshot below. The file has following columns for each ZIP code:
    • Information about the ZIP code that you have selected in Data window.
    • Territory. The name of territory the ZIP code belongs to.
    • Type. Type of the ZIP code.
    • Boundary ZIP5. For point ZIP codes it is the encompassing boundary ZIP code.