MapBusinessOnline newsletter – April 2020

MapBusinessOnline Coronavirus Mitigation

For organizations struggling with MapBusinessOnline renewal decisions during the crisis we can offer:

  • Up to 90-day invoice payment terms by request, for orders placed through July 1, 2020
  • We'll also extend the renewal discounts for subscriptions expiring between March 1 and July 1, 2020 as long as the renewal takes place before July 1, 2020

We've been publishing a blog link to our time-lapse map visualizing the COVID-19 USA contagion spread through March and April. This COVID-19 Map Gallery Link also describes the spread of the virus and is being updated daily (there have been a few interruptions due to lack of source data).

The link launches a web-based Flash Player version of MapBusinessOnline. Get ready to kiss that good-bye because next month we're scheduled to release a Map App version of the Free Viewer. It's been delayed a few weeks due to COVID. So look forward to that!

Some COVID related links:

Sign up for a National Institute of Health COVID testing program

Applied Geographic Unemployment Data

Directions Magazine Webinars and Webinar Tools

Blog Link to the Daily Time-Lapse Map

Territories Bounded by Highways - It Happens

Not all territories are easy. Sometimes business realities force territory creation specialists to use their imaginations. In this scenario the boss wants a territory created based on the bounds of a major highway. It's a real life situation and worth exploring because territories just aren't always cookie cutter. Sometimes you have to live with overlapping areas, ZIP codes that don't line up with boundaries, and even legacy sales accounts that just aren't fair when it comes to balancing.

Read more on the Blog.

Flash Player Update

More and more MapBusinessOnline users are moving to the Map App. Don't get left behind:

  • It's included with your subscription
  • It negates the need for Adobe Flash Player
  • Your kids will think you're cool
  • Extremely fast install download
  • Download the Map App here

Reminder: Support for Adobe Flash Player will end on December 31, 2020. In keeping with this deadline, this month the website link to access the Web Browser version of MapBusinessOnline will be moved to the footer of the website. Download the Map App Today!

MapBusinessOnline Tips & Tricks

  • Updates to the ZIP code map layer occur once a year. Our third party supplier of administrative layers provides us with the USPS changes and boundary adjustments. Your saved maps can then be updated. When you open your saved map choose the option to update the ZIP codes in your map.
  • There are multiple places and ways to seek help using MapBusinessOnline. The Help documentation is located on the far right of the master toolbar. Search the Blog by keyword for related topics, Search the YouTube library for a related video. Chat with us, email us, or call by telephone.
  • A reminder that MapBusinessOnline does include some programmatic tools for setting up automatic data feeds. Give the help documentation for SDK and API access to your software developers and we'll answer any questions they have.