Run the Web App in Google® Chrome

This article demonstrates how to enable Adobe® Flash Player in Chrome Web browser in order to run MapBusinessOnline Web App.

Follow a link below depending on the version of Chrome you have installed. To view Chrome’s version just enter chrome://help in the address bar and hit Enter.

Chrome 76 or later

To run MapBusinessOnline in Chrome 76 you need to enable Flash as described below. Follow the steps just once – Chrome will remember the settings going forward.

  1. Start Chrome.
  2. Type chrome://settings/content/flash in the address bar and hit Enter button.
  3. Set "Ask first" slider to the right position - see the picture below. Check that is not in "Block list" (it may appear there only if you blocked it before bymistake).
  4. Restart Chrome for changes to take effect.

Chrome 69 - 75

Starting Chrome 69, the Web browser asks your permission to run Flash Player each time you open MapBusinessOnline Map page. You can disable this default behavior as described below:

  1. Start Chrome.
  2. Type chrome://flags/#enable-ephemeral-flash-permission in the address bar and hit Enter.
  3. Change "Enable Ephemeral Flash Permissions" option to Disabled.
  4. Restart Chrome for changes to take effect.