Editing Your Data in Business Mapping Software

Visualizing your business data through business mapping software can be a real eye-opener but what happens when the data you just imported requires editing? With Map Business Online we offer several ways to update or edit your imported data. (This is a how to blog.)

Edit a Record
To edit an existing record open the Data Window and select your target dataset in the upper left hand corner Data Window drop down. Hover your cursor over the left hand column of each record. You’ll see a Pencil Icon appear. Click the pencil and choose to edit Data Properties, as opposed to Address or Location. A dialogue area appears that enables edits of your data fields. Edit away. You could choose to edit the Location, in which case you can shift the location of your record on the map and save it. Just click somewhere else on the map and the icon will move.

Add an Address Record to a Database
To add a new record to an existing dataset, use the Address Bar at the upper left hand corner of your map. Type the address of your record addition into the address bar. This will place a point on the map at your record’s address location. Click the MapPoint icon with the Disc on it. Choose “Add Location” to add to an existing data set or click New to start a new dataset. Complete the operation by adding data to other fields as required.

Drop a Point to Create New Data
Another way to edit data on the map is to drop a point on the map using the Add Location Callout button in the draw tools. In the main toolbar click the Draw Tool drop down and follow the arrow down the draw tools menu and grab the bottom option – the MapPoint icon. Select the symbol and click the map where you’d like to add a point. A dialog box opens, choose New. Name the new dataset and continue. You can now add additional columns to your dataset as well.

Take Notes on Records
When you click on a dataset symbol on your map view, an abbreviated label appears. You can take notes on this record that will be added to your database and will be exportable for use outside the map application. To add notes, hover over the left hand side of the abbreviated label until a “+” symbol appears. Click the “+” symbol and the full label opens up revealing a notes area on the bottom section. Now, take notes until the cows come home. Note text will appear in the label and as a field in your overall dataset in the Data Window which you can export.

The ability to edit data records and create data records within your business map application means you can use the tool to support CRM activities, call center operations and other situations where new data is important to your business process; especially where business operations are intimately connected to specific physical locations.

And don’t forget to consider www.MapBusinessOnline.com as a MapPoint alternative.

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About Geoffrey Ives

Geoffrey Ives lives and works in southwestern Maine. He grew up in Rockport, MA and graduated from Colby College. Located in Maine since 1986, Geoff joined DeLorme Publishing in the late 1990's and has since logged twenty-five years in the geospatial software industry. In addition to business mapping, he enjoys playing classical & jazz piano, gardening, and taking walks in the Maine mountains with his Yorkshire Terrier named Skye.
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