Map Business Online 5.0 Quick Tips

You can watch our full 40 minute webinar video describing Map Business Online 5.0 here. Map Business Online 5.0 adds Advanced Territory Mapping to major use cases of our business mapping software.

Hierarchical Territories 

Major changes included the ability to create territories, regions, and divisions based on the same originating map layer.  In the webinar example, I used ZIP codes as the territory basis, but you could start with the country layer, city limits, Census tracts, MSA’s, ZIP 3, or even states. Rock that sales territory map.

To create a Region, use the polygon search tool to select a group of territories and name the region.  To create Divisions, use a polygon search tool to select a group of regions and name the division. It’s like in the Bible: ZIPs begat Territories, Territories begat Regions, Regions begat Divisions.

And remember, if you don’t want to call them Territories, Regions or Divisions, in Map & Data click the edit Pencil for that layer name and change the layer name to Zones or Areas or even Mildred. Name your layers whatever works for your business.

Visual Layer Edits

Map Business Online 5.0 includes a variety of new ways to edit your map layer’s boundaries and fill colors:

  • NEW! Use Map & Data edit gears to adjust boundary color and thickness on territory, region and division layers
  • NEW! Use Map & Data edit gears to adjust fill transparency across all layers
  • NEW! Use Map & Data edit gears to color code territories by demographic data or imported data
  • NEW! In the Data Window select territory, region or division layers and easily access color fill adjustments or name edit
  • NEW! Select an individual territory, region or division to access editing gears, summary, search and delete options
  • NEW! Territory labels now offer five flexible fields for reference data

Display One Territory at a Time

To view only one territory at a time you will need to filter a single territory using your territory layer:

  1. In the data window select your Territories layer
  2. Click on the Filter button
  3. Next, choose General and Name. Using the = modifier type in the name of the territory you’re targeting. Click the Filter button in the lower right.
  4. Now click the Filter Data on Map button to display that one territory

Imported Location Data – Territory Append

Many Map Business Online users have sought to import their business data by address and ZIP code while appending territory names to their data as a column. Well now you can.  Simply import your data in the usual way and then, in the Data Window click More Data.  In the Database Management tool you’ll see in the left panel Territories and Territory count, move those to the right and Set Data Columns. You can also move regions and divisions to the right if you’d like those associations as well in your export.

Or you can select your target imported data in the Data Window and then click the Yellow Search Data Inside a Territory  button along the Data Window toolbar. Choose the bottom option and add your territories to your data lickety split.

You’re welcome.

Map Business Online 5.o Haiku

“It’s Map Business Online 5

Users are very happy

Feet up on the desk”

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About Geoffrey Ives

Geoffrey Ives lives and works in southwestern Maine. He grew up in Rockport, MA and graduated from Colby College. Located in Maine since 1986, Geoff joined DeLorme Publishing in the late 1990's and has since logged twenty-five years in the geospatial software industry. In addition to business mapping, he enjoys playing classical & jazz piano, gardening, and taking walks in the Maine mountains with his Yorkshire Terrier named Skye.
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