Category Archives: How to instruction

How to Sum Demographic Values Using Calculated Data Columns in MapBusinessOnline

MapBusinessOnline provides subscribers with access to demographic data. By the way, the most recent Census Demographics have been updated in MapBusinessOnline as of Nov 2023.  The recent 2020 Census decennial counts are identified in the list as ‘Census 2020.’ We’ve … Continue reading

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How to Create a Nationwide ZIP Code Territory Map

Does the above map call out to you? Is this territory scheme similar to the map you want to create for your business? If so, read on to learn how to create a nationwide territory map. MapBusinessOnline is specifically designed … Continue reading

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Share Territory Maps with Field Staff Through KML Export

Over the summer, MapBusinessOnline image file export options were enhanced to include KML support. In addition to exporting images such as PNG, Jpeg, or PDF files, MapBusinessOnline now supports KML files. Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is an XML-based file format … Continue reading

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How to Use a Competitor Map to Pick the Best Location for a Business

Whether you’re starting a business or trying to manage the growth of an existing business, being cognizant of the competition is a significant aspect of sales success. Competitor awareness provides multiple strategic and tactical advantages to any business, especially regarding … Continue reading

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Identifying Target Markets Using Heat Maps & Business Listings

Products and services don’t generally sell themselves. New products created with specific end-users in mind require market research to establish target markets. It is important to identify where most of the end users are located. Can we find them on … Continue reading

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MapBusinessOnline Business Listings Search Tools

MapBusinessOnline has offered Business Listings as a location-based data source for sales leads, business data, and industry resource locations for the last four years. We have recently upgraded the database of business listings to include. Access to over 22 million … Continue reading

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How to Generate and Assign Sales Leads

Every business has a sales manager whose job is to grow sales. The challenge of generating the right sales leads is critical to the process of successful sales growth.  In sourcing those sales leads, matching selected leads with the right … Continue reading

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A MapBusinessOnline Workflow for Your Consideration

MapBusinessOnline includes various tools designed to help you develop a business mapping workflow. The critical tools I use when developing business maps are: Map & Data Edit Properties – Use these tools to adjust the look and feel of your … Continue reading

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Gathering & Exporting ZIP Codes by County

Every couple of months, here at Business Mapping Software Central, we get this inquiry via chat or email, “How do I export all of the ZIP codes bounded by a county or a set of counties?” This is entirely doable … Continue reading

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Adding Relevant Value to Your Territory Map Project

Territory mapping is perhaps MapBusinessOnline’s most popular and powerful feature. Thousands of users apply MapBusinessOnline toward territory creation out of ZIP codes, counties, and other map alignment layers. Territories define areas of accountability and create market analysis zones. MapBusinessOnline supports … Continue reading

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